Making it Through Menopause

Preplanning Your Funeral: How To Breach The Topic With Family

For many people, the only thing more difficult than confronting their own mortality is confronting the mortality of a loved one. Consequently, it can be quite difficult to discuss the subject of pre-planning your own funeral service with the people closest to you. However, it is also incredibly important that you are able to share this information with them so that they will know what to do when the time comes. Read More 

Ceramic Braces May Be The Right Choice For You

Braces can help to straighten out your crooked and misaligned teeth. One big drawback that stops a lot of people from getting braces, especially adults, is that metal braces are so obvious. It can be hard to be in your 20s, 30s, or even older, and have to wear metal braces for everyone to see. There are other options. If you want to have straight teeth, you don't have to wear braces made out of metal. Read More 

Sleep Apnea: How It Comes About & What A Dentist Can Do To Treat It

Living with a sleep disorder can be difficult to cope with because it can lead to you being moody and unproductive at work. If this is the case, you may have a health condition that is known as sleep apnea. This can be treated by a dentist after getting diagnosed by a sleep disorder specialist. Below, learn how sleep apnea comes about and what a dentist can do to help you get more sleep at night. Read More 

Braces Are No Longer Something For Kids To Hide

When kids resist wearing braces, one way to make it more appealing is to let them choose braces that add to their unique personalities and styles. Kids no longer have to feel awkward wearing metallic braces. What better way to make them feel special than to personalize the look they wear? Changes to standard metal braces that your child's orthodontist may offer include: Novelty brackets in different shapes. With brackets in the shape of hearts, stars, footballs, soccer balls, flowers, or other fun shapes, kids are often eager to show off their braces. Read More 

Could Your Psoriasis Be All In Your Gut?

Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease affecting the skin, but what many people don't know is that the condition may stem from problems in the gut--specifically leaky gut syndrome. If this is the cause of your psoriasis, changes in your diet can help clear up your skin and bring you relief from the flare-ups that bring on pain, itchiness, soreness, and the embarrassing scaly patches: What Is Leaky Gut Syndrome? People who have leaky gut syndrome have intestinal walls that are thin and permeable. Read More