Making it Through Menopause

How Your Genetics May Be Contributing To Your Obesity

For centuries, obesity was thought to be a simple product of eating too much food and getting too little exercise. Thanks to modern technology, however, medical professionals have now identified multiple genetic factors that can significantly influence your likelihood of becoming obese. This genetic link, combined with environmental factors, helps explain why 48 percent of children born to obese parents become obese themselves, compared to only 13 percent of children whose parents are a healthy weight. Read More 

Feel Joy And Satisfaction Working As A Certified Nursing Assistant In An Assisted Living Community

No matter how uncertain the failing economy gets, you will find jobs in the health care industry. It's just a matter of finding good training programs that are offered for the field you want to work in. One of the most interesting and rewarding careers is that of a certified nursing assistant working in an assisted living facility. Before you find assisted living employment, however, there are learning programs that you must complete. Read More 

Could Your Folic Acid Supplement Be Putting You At Increased Risk Of Gestational Diabetes?

Women with no history and few obvious risk factors for diabetes can develop a form of the disease during pregnancy. Gestational diabetes affects as many as 9.2 percent of pregnant women in the U.S., putting them at higher risk of delivering large babies. Medical professionals can't always predict which patients are likely to develop gestational diabetes. If you are older than 25, a race other than white, or overweight, your odds may be higher. Read More 

The Ears Have It: Bio-Printing Applications For The Future

Creating viable human organs and tissue by printing them sounds like so much science fiction, but in fact, scientists are making breakthroughs that could potentially revolutionize medical practice and make transplants and artificial organ replacements a thing of the past. While the technology is still far from being used as a common practice, scientists are hopeful that as the 3D printing technology continues to advance, so too will the potential applications in medicine. Read More 

Compounding In Medicine: How It Benefits Patients

The process of compounding is used in some pharmacies where technicians can mix different medications or reform them into something new such as a liquid or even a candied form. This method has been used for decades, but with new technological advances, it has come back into the limelight in recent years. There are many benefits to using the compounding method that can help patients live a better, healthier life. Here are some of the important things that compounding pharmacies (like Camelback Pharmacy) can provide patients for a better quality of life. Read More