Making it Through Menopause

Why You Should Try Sheep Placenta Pills

It might sound crazy, but sheep placenta pills are quickly becoming a hot new trend. They aren't just trendy because of some silly fad, however. No, they are popular because they actually work. These pills, which contain varying amounts of sheep placenta extract and other natural ingredients, actually have a wide range of interesting benefits when taken on a regular basis. You might find them marketed as TR Zell P-Centa or simply sheep placenta supplements. Read More 

Ophthalmologists May Need A Computer Degree: How “Bionic” Microchips Are Changing The Way You See

As early as 2006, researchers were developing a microchip implant that would allow blind people and people with severe visual impairments see. In 2012, the first two subjects underwent the surgery that placed a chip into the human eye and connected it to diodes that provided light and channeled the information to the visual cortex of their brains. Just as the hearing impaired were given the cochlear implant, now the visually impaired have the " Read More 

Balance And Vestibular Physical Therapy For Patients Suffering From Meniere’s Disease

Meniere's disease is a disorder involving the inner ear. This chronic condition causes a plethora of symptoms, including vertigo, tinnitus and hearing loss. The exact cause of Meniere's disease is not known; however, those with allergies or an autoimmune disease are more likely to develop Meniere's disease. Meniere's disease is often accompanied by abnormal levels of fluid in the inner ear, which can cause vertigo and balance issues. The following article discusses physical therapy options to help increase balance and relieve neck stiffness. Read More 

Healthy Living In Confined Spaces: Tips For Keeping Your Manufactured Home Safe And Healthy

Having a safe and healthy home is important, especially if you are choosing to reduce your environmental impact.  However, living small can pose a unique set of challenges to your health. Here are some tips for healthy living in compact houses. The Air You Breathe If you are living in a tiny space, the impact on the outside world may be small, but the inside air quality may suffer. During warmer months, opening a window for a few hours a day can allow fresh air to circulate throughout your home. Read More 

Foods And Beverages That Can Trigger Rosacea Flare-Ups

Those who experience rosacea could notice that the condition becomes particularly prominent after they've eaten particular foods. For many patients, simply identifying and avoiding the triggers of rosacea flare-ups is the best method of handling the condition. If you're trying to track down the causes of your rosacea flare-ups, pay special attention to your skin's response when you've consumed these common triggers: Spicy foods Spicy foods can cause the skin to turn red and can make the skin on the face feel irritated. Read More