The art of acupuncture for medicinal use is something that was first practiced by the Chinese about 2,000 years ago. Today this form of therapy can be found in clinics across the United States as it has grown in popularity. The small needles used to perform acupuncture are even regulated by the FDA much like other medical devices such as scalpels or hypodermic needles. Because of the popularity of this form of therapy, more people than ever before are turning to it to relieve a number of ailments.
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If you are making plans for your final arrangements, it is a good idea to consider the benefits and ease of cremation. For instance, only about half of the deceased people are being buried, with the remaining being cremated. There are several reasons for that big jump, given that in 1999, approximately one out of four people were being cremated. As a result, it is a good idea to consider the motivating factors for others to choose cremation, while you are making your own decision.
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Headaches are often classified as a sharp pain in your head, but at times you can experience major pain that actually prohibits you from doing your typical daily activities. About one in ten Americans will experience a migraine at some point. Migraines can last for hours or days, depending on the person. Everyone who gets them experiences something different. While some people may experience them only once in their lifetime, others may deal with them on a normal basis.
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If you or someone you love has had heart problems, then chances are you have come across the term bundle branch block. After hearing this scary medical condition, it is normal to want to know more about what it is and if it can be fixed.
What is a Bundle Branch Block?
Your heart consists of bundles of cells that work as a highway for electrical signals to be sent to your heart to keep it beating.
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As your parents begin to age, their medical care and any surgeries they may go through take a bigger toll on their bodies. As such, any surgery they go through and any medical care they may need will require you to step in and give them a hand. When it comes to joint replacement surgeries like a knee replacement, the recovery can be extensive when your parent is elderly and already has mobility issues.
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