A Stand-up MRI Is Better Than a Traditional MRI

MRI stands for Magnetic Resonance Imaging, which uses powerful magnets rather than radioactive X-rays to create images of the body, especially the soft tissues. MRI's are non-invasive and safer than traditional X-rays. Doctors use MRI's to treat a wide variety of conditions, especially muscular and skeletal issues.

The stand-up MRI is a relatively new advancement in technology. These machines offer several advantages when compared to traditional MRI's, including requiring less space to install.

Standing Upright Provides More Information

Traditional MRI's pose a problem for clinicians. Most patients experience their conditions when they are upright, standing, or sitting.  The traditional MRI lays the patient flat on their back and then draws the patient's table into the machine. With some conditions, laying supine can effectively hide the evidence needed to make a correct diagnosis.

As the name implies, stand-up MRI patients stand up. This position allows doctors to see what happens in the body when the patient is upright, leading to an easier and more accurate diagnosis.

Makes MRI Technology Accessible to More Patients

The number of time patients spend on their backs during a traditional MRI prevents many who could benefit from the test from receiving it.  Patients with Kyphosis, abnormal curving out of the spine, or those in congestive heart failure cannot undergo traditional MRIs because of the extended period of time lying flat.

Nearly all patients are suitable candidates for a stand-up MRI, even those with the above-mentioned conditions. Stand-up MRI's also accommodate those who are obese. Most machines are rated for up to 500 lbs.

Less Claustrophobic

The confines of a traditional MRI are extremely close. The machine completely engulfs the patient. Claustrophobic patients may dread receiving a traditional MRI. Likewise, the experience itself, even with people who are not claustrophobic, can be disconcerting.

For that reason, stand-up MRI's are simply easier to receive. First and foremost, the patient's head remains outside the confines of the machine.  This fact alone can ease the jitters in many patients. Many stand-up MRI providers also have televisions installed in the room with the machine, allowing patients a pleasant distraction while the test is being conducted.


A stand-up MRI costs about the same as a conventional one. However, the price can vary greatly with both tests, usually in the range of $800 to $6000.

For more information about stand-up or walk-in X-ray machines, contact a company such as Hudson Valley Imaging.
