Changes That You’ll Experience Upon Going Through A Graston Technique Session
Many patients appreciate going through physical therapy because this form of care can encompass a wide range of techniques that can make a difference. Physical therapists will often use not only their hands to assess and treat you, but also various devices that can make a dramatic difference in the issue that is hindering you. Sometimes, your therapist will introduce you to the Graston technique, in which one or more hard instruments are pushed across your body in the affected area. You'll often notice a variety of changes as a result of this technique, including the following.
Increased Mobility
One of the main reasons that a physical therapist will use the Graston technique to treat patients is because the firm pressure from the instrument can help to break up scar tissue. If you're attending physical therapy after surgery or some form of serious injury, one of your chief complaints might be that you don't have the mobility that you used to have. One reason for a lack of mobility is a surplus of scar tissue, and the Graston technique can be a valuable ally in reducing scar tissue to give you your mobility back.
Reduced Discomfort
The Graston technique also has an ability to put a specific amount of pressure on muscles that are sore, which can have the effect of reducing pain. In some ways, this technique shares some common ground with massage therapy. A combination of pressure and kneading of the targeted muscles can help them to feel better. Sometimes, you'll find that the pressure from the Graston technique is light and pleasant. In other cases, it can be a bit intense, but that may be necessary for the goal of reducing your everyday pain. This can have the added benefit of helping you to possibly reduce the amount of pain medication that you're taking.
Sped-Up Recovery
Depending on the nature of your issue, your physical therapist may use the Graston technique exclusively to treat it. In other cases, the therapist will rely on this technique as just one form of therapy to address your issue. The Graston technique can be valuable for speeding up the recovery process. For example, if your therapist were relying on hands-on manipulation and stretching exclusively, it may take you longer to feel better than if he or she also were to incorporate some of the Graston technique into your physical therapy sessions.