Preventing New Varicose Veins

If you're someone who has put on a lot of weight, recently had a baby or work in an environment where you are constantly standing, varicose veins could become rather visible on your legs. These veins, sometimes called "spider veins" because of their appearance, are considered unattractive by many. If you've got them, you might already know that they can hurt as well. To prevent more from appearing, use these pointers.

Get Moving

One major reason that these veins form in the first place is that the veins aren't working efficiently. The blood vessels referred to as veins have the important job of returning circulating blood to the heart so that it can be re-oxygenated and sent through the arteries. The so-called skeletal muscle pump helps venous return in your legs; because blood must travel upwards, the muscles in your legs help that process to happen by compressing and decompressing veins. When you are too sedentary or there is too much constant pressure on the legs, blood has the opportunity to pool and veins can become distended. You'll observe this as varicose veins.

Therefore, to prevent new veins of this kind, you need to be sure that you're engaging your leg muscles as much as possible. If you stand a lot for job, sit down when you can. If you never stand during work, take a brief walk every hour or so. A cardiovascular exercise program could be especially helpful throughout the week so that blood circulation is improved.

Massage Legs

One way to help your legs is to regularly massage them. Gently working with your fingers in a circular, upward motion, you can massage muscles and encourage blood circulation. Begin at your ankles and move toward your knees. Don't press hard on existing varicose veins.

Professional massages might be beneficial too; ensure your massage therapist understands that you're hoping to avoid further problems with your legs specifically. Massage is helpful for many health conditions, so it could be a worthwhile investment all the way around to have regular sessions.

These tips provide real help that you can use right now to prevent new spider veins. If you're concerned about the ones you already have, you can discuss your legs with your primary doctor. They can advise you about your overall vein health and can tell you whether you would make a strong candidate for surgical vein procedures in the future.
