Understanding a Few Causes of Oral Thrush

While bacterial infections are more common, fungal infections can also occur in the body. One type of infection that may occur develops when yeast cells overgrow. These cells are ones that sit in the mouth, vagina, and digestive tract and they are called candida yeast cells. When you have an overgrowth of these cells in the mouth, then you have something called oral thrush. Keep reading to learn about some possible causes of this issue so you can identify the infection and seek treatment for candida when appropriate.

Antibiotic Use

Taking antibiotics for any sort of bacterial infection can result in the disruption of both the harmful and harmless bacteria that sit inside your body. These bacteria sit in the intestinal tract and around openings and mucous membranes of the body. The bacterial microorganisms live in conjunction with fungal cells. The bacteria keep the yeast cells from overgrowing, and the yeast cells keep the bacteria from taking over. Any disruption in the balance of microorganisms can cause an overgrowth. 

Unfortunately, when you take antibiotics, the medicine kills off a large number of bacteria in the body. Most of the time, the typical colonies of harmless bacteria will have the opportunity to develop before yeast cells take over. When this does not happen, then an oral thrush infections can develop in the mouth. 

Oral thrush may develop when you are taking the antibiotics or you may see the infection issue soon after you stop a long course of the medication. Pay attention to the first signs of the issue so you can identify the problem and seek treatment as soon as possible. You will feel a bit of soreness and your mouth may feel as though it is swollen. You may also feel a burning sensation when you eat or drink. White bumps will then soon develop on the tongue and insides of the cheeks.


If you have recently been diagnosed with diabetes, then you likely have high blood sugar levels. These sugar in your system can and will feed the yeast cells in your body. After all, the fungus does specifically feed off sugar. If blood sugar levels remain high and you have a difficult time controlling them, then you make see the development of an oral thrush condition. 

While antifungal medications can be used to treat the oral thrush, you will need to work on controlling your blood sugar through a strict diet regimen and also through the injection of insulin. Your physician can help you with this so you can avoid future oral thrush infections. While infections may be difficult to treat at first, yeast overgrowth issues will get better over time the longer you can keep your blood sugar in check. 
