Foods And Beverages That Can Trigger Rosacea Flare-Ups

Those who experience rosacea could notice that the condition becomes particularly prominent after they've eaten particular foods. For many patients, simply identifying and avoiding the triggers of rosacea flare-ups is the best method of handling the condition.

If you're trying to track down the causes of your rosacea flare-ups, pay special attention to your skin's response when you've consumed these common triggers:

Spicy foods

Spicy foods can cause the skin to turn red and can make the skin on the face feel irritated. This can cause breakouts of rosacea. You might need to stay away from spicy cuisines like Indian or Mexican food if you want to avoid flare-ups.  

Dairy products

Certain dairy products have been linked to rosacea flare-ups. In particular, sour cream and yogurt have frequently been shown to cause rosacea in certain patients. 

Foods that contain histamine

Histamine is known to be a trigger for rosacea, and there are many foods that contain significant amounts of this substance. Histamine-containing foods include most types of cheese, spinach, eggplant, and soy sauce. Also, any foods containing vinegar have histamine in them.


Broad-leaf beans such as lima beans or navy beans have been frequently linked to breakouts in rosacea patients.

Hot foods

Patients with rosacea might find that their condition flares up if they eat foods that are too hot. Be patient and let your food cool before eating to minimize the chances that rosacea will become noticeable. You might find that eating hot soups or drinking hot beverages like coffee or tea causes your rosacea to show up. 


The consumption of alcoholic beverages leads to flare-ups in many patients. In particular, red wine has been shown to cause flare-ups after sometimes as little as one glass. Other alcoholic beverages that are known to aggravate rosacea are beer, gin, vodka, bourbon, and champagne.

Caffeinated beverages

Doctors typically recommend that patients cut down on caffeine consumption when they wish to fight rosacea over the long term. Caffeine withdrawal is often a significant trigger of rosacea in patients who previously were consuming high quantities of caffeine on a daily basis. 

Maintaining a healthy dietary regime

A healthy diet is important for anyone, but it's especially important for patients who are trying to combat rosacea. Rosacea is a complex condition that has many potential triggers. Some doctors have linked rosacea to bacterial imbalances in the digestive tract that could potentially be caused by an unhealthy diet. 

For more help dealing with your rosacea, get in touch with experts from a clinic like Advanced Dermatology Care.
